I'm a pragmatist and this blog focuses on integration/SOA technology so one might wonder why am I blogging about SOA governance? Well let me say this first, governance is a real challenge for companies and I've seen first hand how large corporations struggle with adoption and change that comes with SOA. When I'm consulting on SOA engagements, I find myself getting pulled into meetings and conversations about SOA governance. Early adopters struggle with not only what they need to do with governance but more importantly how to effectively introduce change in their organization. I came across a very good refcard by Todd Biske that clearly and concisely addresses the "what" in SOA Governance...I highly recommend it. "How" to implement governance in an organization is somewhat unique and doesn't lend itself to a refcard or template.
So, to answer my earlier question about why this post on this blog...SOA is an enterprise initiative and if you're working with SOA technology you will eventually be faced with governance. So, to have something in your back pocket to help others or simply refer to is a great asset.